POD vs. Digital Book Production
I’ve spoken with a number of publishers lately who assume that digital book production and Print-0n-Demand (POD) are one and the same.
Not exactly.
POD provides inventory-less book fulfillment by manufacturing only as many copies of a book as there are orders.
But books can also be made digitally in larger quantities for more traditional sales and distribution.
Run lengths that were not economical when printed on offset presses may be profitably produced digitally.
POD suppliers abound on the internet and, with one exception, offer very overpriced services to novice publishers.
GrubStreetPrinting works with a number of digital book printers that provide quick turnarounds and high quality books in print runs over 100 copies and can provide free assistance and information for digital production.
BEA - You Goin’?
Book Expo runs from May 29th to June 1st in
I’d like to make sure I can spend some time with all of my friends who will be attending.
Please email me at wayne@grubstreetprinting.com if you plan on going.
I’ve become addicted to the blogs posted at www.publishersweekly.com. I wonder if any of you currently blog about the book industry, graphic design, marketing, or ???
Our GrubStreetPrinting.com site will soon be linking to relevant blogs, especially those by our own talented group of publishers, authors and designers.
Let me know where I can find your blog and we’ ll try to get the link up as soon as possible.
Do you Skype?
If I’m at my computer I can be reached at GrubStreetPrinting.
…to Diana Dyer whose Swan Press (Ann Arbor, MI) has just completed it’s 11th printing of A Dietitian’s Cancer Story. The first copies date back to 1997 when Diana folded and stapled them on her kitchen table. Learn more about Diana and her book at www.cancerRD.com or you can catch up to her via her blog at www.dianadyer.blogspot.com
…and to Bob Cooper who retired from his position as director of the American Federation of Astrologers. Astrologer/Author Kris Brandt Riske and crew will be restructuring the AFA to better serve its members in the 21st Century. Check out the new website www.astrologers.com