Chain Store Sales Up 4.8%
Chain bookstore sales rose in the first quarter of 2009 with Barnes & Noble reporting a 6.6% gain and their Superstore sales up 8.1%.
Shaman Drum Closes
Shaman Drum Books has closed in
Espresso 2.0 at Book Expo
I spent a lot of time watching the Espresso 2 (Newsletter No. 8, Dec. 2008) one-book-at-a-time book maker produce perfect bound books at Book Expo. The hype? “Ultimately…(it) will make it possible to distribute virtually every book ever published, in any language, anywhere on earth as easily, quickly and cheaply as email.” Maybe, but for now the production cost of a small book starts around $10.00.
Ingram has offered access to any book printed through Lightning Source to stores and institutions operating an Espresso 2.0.
Because to some folks a book needs to be more than a book, Amazon is studying the impact of the Kindle experience “if and when we introduce ads”.
Hotel Readers
Kindle 2
Author Nicholson Baker examines the Kindle 2 and reports on what it is and what it isn’t in the August 3 New Yorker.
One Stop Info
The numerous industry links on the News page of The Publetariat (continuously updated) offer a quick round-up of book news from PW, New York Review of Books, Slate, The Guardian, etc.
Newspaper News
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