Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Grub Street Printing Newsletter #21, January 2011

Borders Suspends Payments

Borders Group began 2011 by suspending payments to some publishers. Borders per store sales (200 stores have been closed) were off 12.6% in the third quarter.

China, Indonesia Dumping Paper

Both the International Trade Commission and the European Commission have ruled that coated free sheet manufactured in China and Indonesia was “dumped” in the US and European markets below its home market price and additional duties will be imposed on this paper.

Borders B&N Survival

While this article isn't remarkable to those who follow the book industry, I was shocked by the number of comments posted. It seems MSNBC readers have strong opinions about book retailing.

Quad Graphics

Quad Graphics' $1.1 billion purchase of World Color Press (formerly Quebecor World) out of bankruptcy last year has created many manufacturing inefficiencies. The world's largest privately owned printer has six plants with 2,400 employees that have been, or are being, closed.

Eco Friendly Paper: Beyond the Labels

Is using recycled paper always the best environmental choice? Are FSC papers always the most eco-friendly? These questions and more are discussed by an industry expert.

Gray Market Harvesting

31% of all data collected on the internet is obtained by companies who collect data from sites other than their own. In one study of fifty web sites, 167 different companies were actively gleaning customer information from them without the sites owner's knowledge or consent.

2011 Publishing Predictions

Another round of predictions to consider about an industry that must adapt to monthly, if not weekly, paradigm shifts. Is traditional book distribution (still?) on its last legs (again?).

2010 Printer's Wrap-Up

The big stories that affected the print industry in 2010 are right here. Some of the video links at the bottom of the page are pretty funny.

Great Books

On Oct. 5, 1789, President George Washington borrowed “Law of Nations” and a book of debates from the British House of Commons from the New York Society Library. There are over 221 years of late fees that have been forgiven, but the library just wants the books returned.

GPO and Google ebookstore

The US Government Printing Office has allowed Google ebookstore to distribute its backlist titles (which Google has already scanned anyway). Although the arrangement is beginning with only 100 titles, it's expected that thousands of titles will soon be available.

Web Sites Beget Books

While publication of a new title often spawns a new web site, two Chicago authors found the popularity of their sites brought offers from publishers to produce ink and paper books based on their web site content.

Hold Up on Those BEA Plans

According to these folks the world will end on May 21, 2011, two days before BEA opens.

Final Thought

I can't write without a reader. It's precisely like a kiss – you can't do it alone. John Cheever ********************************************************Past newsletters available at

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