Google Settlement not Settled
A District Judge in NY said the Google Settlement, finalized last year, is unfair, granting Google the right to print orphaned works not available to other publishers. Once again, Google has been asked to consider an “opt-in” option to replace its ubiquitous “opt-out” provision.
Airport Books
Some of our publishers sell their books at airports. Here's a quick guide to the reasons why it makes sense, although the first distributor they mention is probably not the best choice for this.
Agency Model Problems
Just as Random House finally adopted the “Agency Model” for ebook pricing, the European Commission has raided publishers offices for evidence that the model violates anti-cartel laws.
Recycled Paper Usage Increases
U.S. paper mills supplied 7% more recovered paper in 2010 than in 2009, a total of 31.3 million tons. Over 60% of all paper used in the U.S. is recovered for recycling.
Domestic printing and writing paper sales were off 6% in February; inventories climbed 2%
. Authors Experiment
Novelist Barry Eisler, author of the John Rain thrillers, has turned down a $500,000 contract in order to self-publish his next book while Amanda Hocking, who writes YA paranormal novels and sold 900,000 (mostly e)books last year has agreed to a traditional four book deal.
Domestic Ink for Dollars
A Danvers, MA ink maker claims the U.S. Bureau of Engraving won't test his ink for use on U.S. Currency despite the fact that it's more environmentally friendly than the ink from current supplier SIPCA, a Swiss corporat
Strange Days
Borders asked the bankruptcy court to approve $8.3 million in bonuses to its executives. Publisher Boycott
Author Brian Keene claims thousands of readers have joined him in boycotting Dorchester Publishing over payment issues.
Ebooks are Book Apps
Since ebooks are available at the iTunes app store, they are now called book apps or just apps.
Pricing Digital Books
Lost in the ebook hype is its unusual business model (see Agency Model above). Amazon can lose money on Kindle ebook titles (and on the Kindle itself) while others price by the guesstimate method.
Google has challenged Apple's revenue sharing model by offering magazine publishers 90% of the subscription price vs. Apple's current 70%. Google One Pass shares it's consumer information with publishers; Apple will share only if the consumer approves.
A Smart Kindle?
There's speculation that the introduction of the iPad 2 and Motorola Xoom is forcing Amazon to consider upgrading Kindle to be more than just a reader with Google's Android O/S.
Magazines vs iPad ezines
iPad owners seem to drift away from articles they're reading; good for advertisers but editors need to rethink how to adapt magazine articles to ezines.
App Irony
App Irony

Final Thought
...books enkindle and inflame our minds... by their own warmth and attractiveness...
Petrarch (1304-1374)
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