In its bid to be the dominant player in all things book related, Amazon has begun publishing books and has announced a 122 title release this fall, including a Penny Marshall memoir that garnered an $800,000 advance.
Beckett Closes
Kodak To Sell Patents
In order to stanch the outflow of Kodak's once enviable stash of cash, the company is considering selling off some 1,000+ patents which formerly accounted for over $300 million income per year but have fallen off sharply this year.
eBook Formatting vs. eBook Conversion
This online primer discusses simply converting a title for eBook release or formatting a book for eBook readers. Details like page breaks and margins aren't always properly converted to a readable format by cookie-cutter conversion programs.
Industry Trends
American Association of Publishers (AAP) and the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) have released a statistical analysis of the book industry from 2008 through 2010. This 3 year snapshot shows a net growth in revenues and books sold.
The AAP also reported that July sales rebounded after a disappointing June.
PW and BEA Benefits
Publishers Weekly has announced a way for “Self Publishers” (including POD) to promote their titles in a quarterly supplement that will mail with the magazine. Already a subscriber? The featured listing is a “benefit” of subscription.
BEA attendees enjoy a 25% discount in PubMatch membership, which is a clearinghouse for those buying and selling international book rights.
ZD Goes Digital
Following the lead of parent company ZiffDavisMedia, offshoot ZiffDavis Enterprise will stop printing and mailing editions of its magazines and newsletters in 2012, focusing on PC, tablet, eBook, and mobile editions instead.
The “right-sizing”of the paper industry may be paying off as both International Paper and Domtar Paper report much stronger than expected earnings for the third quarter.
Fire and Silk
Amazon's upcoming offering of the Kindle Fire with the Silk operating system has raised questions about how much and what sort of personal data will be collected and who it will be shared with.Writer Defends Kindle eBook Pricing
Catch 22 Turns 50
It's hard to believe this classic was published 50 years ago. Charlie Rose celebrated with this insightful discussion about Joseph Heller, the book and the subsequent movie.
Race to the Bottom
Not to be outdone by the Kardashians, Snookie's second book has been published, Confessions of a Guidette. The directors cut of the Simon and Schuster promo is said to guarantee reflex cringing.
Kobo Publishes, Too
Late in October, eBook reader manufacturer Kobo also announced it will develop and publish selected titles for its eReaders.
WSJ To Publish Ebook “Charts”
Not sure I understand all the buzz about this. The Wall Street Journal will publish “sales charts” of eBooks that don't consider volume or value sales.
Final Thought
The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them. ~Mark Twain, attributed
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