Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Grub Street Printing Newsletter #79, November 2015

At every Book Expo I've attended, a large part of the show floor was dedicated to companies that dealt exclusively with “remainders”. Remainders were not only inventory that had ceased moving, but books returned by Ingram et. al. called hurts; these were titles with some sort of blemish that made the book unsaleable in a retail setting. Further, in order not to dilute sales of newer titles that were selling, some publishers would remainder books to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand etc. where the heavily discounted books wouldn't cannibalize domestic sales.
Remainder dealers were the ultimate bargain hunters. They bought books from publisher warehouses by the pound or by the pallet for pennies on the publishers' dollar cost, then resold them.
Borders had a warehouse a few miles from our company, Baker Johnson, Inc., that housed their remainder division, reputedly their most profitable.

Some remainders are offered by mail order companies like Daedalus Books whose catalog is available to any company (publisher, printer, bookstore, etc.) that had an employer ID #. They remain in business both online and mailorder. And anyone who has walked into a Barnes & Noble bookstore knows that the front 20% of the sales floor is consumed by remainder titles.
While I never would have purchased a copy of Chronicle Books Bird Song Bible for the $125.00 cover price, B&N's $25.00 seemed reasonable and, while not an avid bird watcher, living adjacent to a 1,000 acre state forest does present us an occasional opportunity to drag the three pound book off the shelf.
But while talking with a friend who not only publishes a lot of books, but also controls his distribution, the remainder industry is struggling. He faithfully attends remainder shows like CIROBE, CIANA, and GABBS (Great American Bargain Book Show), and many of the various expos that set aside room for remainder sellers.
According to him, however, the remainder market is in transition. The wealth of titles once available has contracted. Not only are the shows moving to smaller venues and consolidating with other wholesale events, the number of dealers is also contracting.
Now part of this is the result of some major publishers contracting with specific remainder dealers who have agreed to purchase any and all remainders regardless of subject matter for a predetermined price...most likely by the pound. Of course some publishers with a strong web presence sell the their remainders online (generally not labeled as hurts) and one successful small press in Chicago brings their hurts to the Printers Row (Book) Lit Fest and sells them for half of their cover price which is nearly what they'd receive for them wholesale anyway.
There are organizations that readily accept book donations. The Asia Foundation specializes in educational and technical books that can be distributed to Cambodia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc. They are unable to pay the freight charges that will be incurred in shipping the books to their American offices in California, but there are tax benefits available for such donations.
The remainder companies fill a needed role in the retail book industry even though some consider them as lowly bottom feeders. What other options are there for getting rid of “hurts”? Pulping them? Having worked in book printing shops for decades I can tell you that a full gaylord carton of books that failed inspection might bring $20 for hundreds of copies from a recycling company, but even that can be risky. Years ago, a New Jersey recycler was caught selling the (mostly textbooks) books he had been sold to recycle online.
Some years ago I was talking with a production manager employed by a publisher that had just been sold. As we spoke a remainder agent was loading all the hurts that his employer had accumulated over the years into his truck before the sale was complete. I asked him if he felt bad to see all those books he's worked so hard on being sold like that. He said he had only one regret; “I wish I'd have done more books on 60# text stock.”

Google Wins...
The law suit begun ten years ago continues to to drag through the courts. The U.S. Court of Appeals bought into Google's argument that scanning books and posting "snippets" of them on the internet helps to sell more books and found in their favor.
...Apple Appeals
This suit has its roots in 2010 when Apple began selling ebooks on its iBooks site and was sued for price fixing by the Federal Government. After a string of adverse decisions Apple has petitioned to have its case heard by the Supreme Court.
100% Happiness Guaranteed” Option
I'd be interested in some feedback to this article that argues that the ebook marketplace will inevitably change and ebooks will either be free or the readers would pay whatever they felt fair after they've read the books. Really.
Amazon Sues Fake Review Writers

Citing at least 1,000 phony reviews, freelance writers paid by are being sued by Amazon. The FTC has also cracked down on companies that knowingly post fake reviews.
Nag eMails
For those of us who frequently begin reading a magazine article, lose interest and move on to something else, The New Yorker has a cure. It can now send e-edition readers a reminder to go back and finish reading that story!
Frankfurt Book Fair Stories

I've always wanted to attend the Grandaddy of all book shows. PW covered this year's fair extensively, noting that attendance rose from last year's dip.
Printers Talk About Publishers
The relationship between printers and publishers is a balancing act matching capabilities to needs. These printers discuss publishers' changing requirements and what it will take to meet them.
World Series Libraries Duke It Out
Chippy librarians in Kansas City started a war of words on Twitter when their Royals battled Toronto's Blue Jays and Toronto's librarians responded. When the series moved to the Royals playing New York's Mets it was game on.
28% of Us Didn't Read a Book Last Year
Competing formats, Amazon's market dominance and the occasional dirth of blockbuster titles wouldn't be worth discussing if more Americans overcame the hurdles to appreciate reading.
Grammar Rules You Can Break

I was fortunate to study under the best high school English teacher ever for two years and I wish Mr. Wonnberger was here to give me his opinion of these ten grammar rules it's okay to break.
Textbooks Defy Disruption
A market place that has seen pricing increases of 945% since 1978, yet has only five major players controlling 85% of the market has somehow proven immune to the many disruptions that have faced the publishing industry at large.
NaNoWriMo Time
November is National Novel Writing Month and for those who are prone to procrastinate (like me) but respond well to deadlines (not like me), NaNoWriMo offers a framework to write (or finish) that novel you've been meaning to get to.
Visit A Bookstore on Small Business Saturday
A respite from the retail nonsense that is the Thanksgiving weekend is the opportunity to visit your local bookstore. Special discounts, author signings and publisher promotions will remind us book stores are magical places.
Final Thought
The multitude of books is making us ignorant. Voltaire
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