Monday, December 6, 2010

GrubStreetPrinting Newsletter #20 December 2010

It Depends What You Mean by “Recycled”

While the Federal Trade Commission and Environmental Protection Agency work toward an American definition of “recycled paper” the international community already uses a different ISO standard.

If your paper is imported, will it still meet the legal definition of recycled?

Print, Electronic Media and the Price of Paper

This is an extremely insightful interview covering the immediate challenges and the future of the print industry, the impact of new technologies and the need for less expensive paper.

Meet Mooks

A hot topic in Newsletter 13 was “vooks”, a combination of videos and books. Now get ready for “mooks” a combination of magazines and books that seems to be catching on in Japan.


If you missed the sneak peak of the soon to open Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library in Indianapolis, IN, fear not: the Grand Opening is just weeks away.

Digital Inks

The “inks” used by digital output devices are broadly divided as inkjet and toner. As development continues to improve the “inks” and the presses they run on, the notion that one is better than the other in any given application is changing with new press technology.

RAN Ratings

The Rainforest Action Network has published a guide of publishers that don't use paper stocks produced from pulp from rain forest trees, especially Indonesia.(See Newsletter #7)

2010 Word of the Year

The editors of The New Oxford American Dictionary has named Sarah Palin's “refudiate” as the Word of the Year.

The Bad Sex in Fiction Award...

..goes to Rowan Somerville for the unusual imagery used in his book The Shape of Her.

Sales Correction 12 Months Later

Newsletter 14 reported a 12.3% spike in September 2009 book sales. This September book sales fell 12.1% according to the AAP.

Literacy Campaigns

Scribd and Scholastic have announced new literacy campaigns. With a high literacy rate of 19%, the US trails countries like Greenland, where 100% of the population is rated as highly literate.

Before Digital, Before Offset

Over 400 years after Johannes Gutenburg invented movable type for printing presses, Ottmar Merganthaler invented a machine that let printers set type while sitting at a keyboard instead of picking letters out of a type tray. Thomas Edison called it the Eighth Wonder of the World.

An upcoming documentary hopes to show how society was changed by this invention. Here's a promo of the film.

More Print Technology

In contrast to the Linotype (which set a “line of type”) the Espresso 2.0 doesn't make coffee and looks downright fragile compared to Merganthaler's invention.

Final Thought

Books are hindrances to persisting stupidity. Spanish Proverb


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