Wednesday, June 1, 2016

2016 Book Expo America, McCormick Place, Chicago

I thought the show started at 11 so I beat the rush for the 1 o'clock start.

Thursday morning and the tempo was pretty slow. I took this same picture maybe twenty years ago and the aisles were packed.

The people at this booth couldn't tell me much about this book. The pages had been folded to make a word at the thumb edge. They didn't produce the book, it was a gift. I'm glad they displayed it.

There's always a bit of silliness at these things.

Years ago, many parents brought their children to the show. There was even on-site day care. Alas, without children I think this effort was not fully appreciated.

There were actually two decorated sales trucks on the floor. Presumably each travels to schools promoting books and reading when they're not parked at Expo.

1 comment:

  1. So good to see the photos, Wayne & to read your comments. Many thanks.



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